For some reason gluten free BBQ Sauce has been one of the trickiest things for me to find. I've bought some of the specialty ones that cost $5 a bottle and just taste okay, but I've been wishing I could just find a regular brand that was just naturally gluten free. I often read the labels at the store and most have modified food starch and I just don't trust that ingredient since I got sick after eating something that contained it once. But the other day I was doing some on-line searching and I came across this lovely list! Jackpot! I was so excited. A lot of the Heinz sauces are gluten free (as well as other products they have). I ran out and bought some Jack Daniels bbq sauce and we had ourselves some yummy bbq beer chicken (with gluten free beer of course!). Here is the link to the Heinz list:
Here is a super easy recipe for bbq beer chicken:
- Poor a bottle of beer in your crock pot (maybe two bottles depending on how much chicken you are using).
- Poor a bottle off bbq sauce in your crock pot (or more if doing a lot of chicken)
- Add drumsticks (about 15 or so)
- Let simmer on low in your crock pot for 5 hours
- Enjoy!
I have a great BBQ sauce recipe that uses ketchup as a base (is ketchup gluten free?). I'll have to email it to you. We use this beer chicken recipe at our house all the time. It must be a Meyer's family thing.